- Fundamental Elements
- Structure of an HTML document
- Basic tags and Attributes
- Body Attributes
- Text attributes
- Marquee tag & its attributes
- Headings, Font
- Paragraph, Line Break
- Ordered and Unordered Lists
- Blockquote, HyperLinks, Sound
- Images, Image formats & attributes
- Alignment of images & Mapping
- Tables : Creating a Table
- Combine cells in a row or column
- Cells: Spanning, Padding.
- Forms: Create List Box, Radio Buttons
- Accept input and Submit
- Post
- Syntax - Id & Class - Styling Backgrounds
- Styling Text
- Styling Fonts
- Styling Links
- Styling Lists
- Styling Tables
- Box Model
- Border
- Outline
- Margin
- Padding
- Grouping/Nesting
- Dimension
- Display
- Positioning
- Floating
- Align
- Pseudo-class
- Pseudo-element
- Navigation Bar
- Image Gallery
- Image Opacity
- Image Sprites
- Media Types
- Attribute Selectors
- You can create Patterns and Artistic
- Designs using Fills and Colours for Web Buttons
- You can Create Web Backgrounds
- You can Import and Export your Images.
- Retouch, Manipulate and Enhance Designs/ Logos
- Image Editing, Resolution, Correction, Saturation
- Tool Box, Navigator, Info, Option,Swatches, Brushes
- Layers: Adding, Deleting, Merge,Duplicating,Rotate
- Filters: Built-in Effects Blur,Twirl, Stain,
- Emboss, Spotlight, Fire, Embossed...etc.
- Retouching, Colouring,Creating Backgrouds, Buttons
Image Mixing, Re-touching, Layering, WEB Buttons, Backgrounds, Img touch ups
- Web Authoring, Forms, Tables,
- Frames, Behaviours, Events, Time Line,
- Templates & Libraries, Roll over events,
- Menu field objects....etc.
- Hyperlinks: Internal & External Linking
- Email Linking & Anchor Linking
- Linking (Image Hyperlinks)
- Rollover Image, Navigation Bar with Rollovers & links
- Using the Site Window, Set your local site
- Import an existing site
- Working with links in Site Maps
- Displaying Data with Tables
- Design a page layout using tables
- Layout / Standard view, Building frames,framesets
- Animating with timelines
- Using a form to collect data, Create a library item
- Use Behaviors and Styles in library items
- Create a template: Apply a template to Web page
- Use Behaviors, Styles & Timelines in Templates
- Fundamental Java Scripting
- Functions: Defining & Calling
- Using Variables local, global
- Programming(If,While, Loops)
- Strings & ARRAYS, Event handling,
- Objects, Methods & Properties etc.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system and expoune.
Lecture 1.1
Time : 30 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Latanya Kinard
Web Designer